XXIV INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM – Genotype x Environment Interactions: Novelties, challenges and opportunities

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One of the main challenges faced by breeders is the differential response of genotypes in different environments (genotype by environment interactions) in which they are tested. This differential response makes it difficult to recommend cultivars and predict breeding values, making it necessary to assess genotypes in a large number of environments and over several years.
The high number of environments that a genotype is tested ends up making recommendation tests very expensive, and for that reason several methodologies have been emerging in order to predict genotypic values in places not evaluated, through the use of environmental variables, and molecular markers. This is particularly important, for example, due to the unpredictable environment caused by climate change.
For this reason, the UFLA group of studies on genetics and plant breeding (GEN) is organizing the XXIV International Symposium on Genetics and Breeding regarding on genotype by environment interactions. This Symposium will bring together national and international renowned collaborators in plant breeding and we will discuss the newest innovations about genotype by environment applied in plant breeding.